Unit Economics for Business Definition

A business unit of a company works self-sufficiently, so it has its mission and objectives, which allows its preparation to be carried out autonomously from the other units of the company. Of course, the separation by business units is mainly done in substantial companies that produce many different products or target different clusters of markets.

So, the division into business units can do by separating a product Unit Economics for Business the line within a production unit, dividing the team, and bearing in mind a particular product or an individual brand that you want to target a specific segment.

How did the Business Units Come About?

Strategic. Indeed, the first company apply the idea of business units was the General Electric company. In 1973, it put the SBU model (strategic business unit) into practice to make its planning process more manageable.

Because this company realized that it had diversified its production in such a way, it helped very different markets such as the government, industry, home, aeronautics, and the automotive sector, among some of the most significant that can be mentioned. ; And so they all Unit Economics for Business had very different needs.

Importance of Economic Units


The economic units analyze the direct revenues and costs associated with the essential elements of a company’s business model. From these facts, it is possible to project how profitable the business may (or may not) and when it can stand expected to reach profitability.

And Profitability is a Pretty Important Amount of Achievement

The first task is to classify your basic unit, what you can measure, and how it reflects how you operate. This may not always be obvious.

For example, they can the number of customer accounts, and the company can decide on each economic unit according to its needs. A public Unit Economics for Business transport service can choose as monetary units the seats sold.

Once you have chosen your straightforward unit, the next step is to calculate:

a) The amount of income you get from that unit and,

b) What it costs to obtain that income.

On the revenue side, a generally used term is the lifetime value of an account. If running a subscription business, we are using this sales metric is not optional.

Here are some of the best metrics for a Saabs company

What should a Business Unit Have?

  • For a business unit to operate within a company, it requires:
  • That has a mission that is differentiated and unique.
  • Know clearly who your competitors are.
  • Have a market or a group identify customers.
  • Produce and market a set of products that Unit Economics for Business have a particular relationship with and recognizes.
  • Have independent control of the business, although it may receive support from other units offer share services.
  • Manage your accounting independently, and have financial autonomy and freedom to prepare your budget.
  • Its planning must be independent, although the general guidelines of the organization must govern it.

Why does a Company need to Create Business Units?

The primary justifications for developing business units within a company are:

  • When companies target very different markets, it requires to develop various competitive advantages.
  • If the company is enormous and has many products that are sold in different markets, the company must seek to give priority to nee of each group of customers; and not focus only on the production process because the same product cannot respond in the same way to the needs of the different consumers and clients of the company.
  • If the business units can interrelate and support each other to offer better proposals to the market, which allow for efficient performance.

Business Economics

In the Central European literature, business economics is understood as the science that studies the company, conceived as a system, trying to establish the laws of balance that, both internally and in its relationship with the setting in which it operates, lead him to reach the goal or pursue.

The company is understood in its broadest conception. Its character and order of complexity are necessary to recognize it as an entity in itself, not just as part of a higher economic entity.

Thus, we arrive at the first dimension of the content of business Unit Economics for Business as a science:

  • Delimit the borders of the company as a formula for collective action
  • Explain its nature and reason for being
  • Study its internal structure
  • Behaviour Guidelines.
  • Company characteristics.

For Sánchez Gil, the defining characteristics of the company in the capitalist economic system are the following:

Autonomous Production Unit

  • He uses someone else’s work in addition to that of the employer.
  • It does not crop for self-consumption but for the market.

Their activity motivates by profit (some authors do not make this distinction, it may not be for profit).

  • Possessor
  • In various forms and degrees of capital.
  • Subject to risk.
  • Where there is innovation.


Business economics is the conceptual system that scientifically explains all economic-business phenomena, both at the level of their relationships in the company’s internal structure and its activities, According to a defined behavior that achieves its laws of equilibrium. 1​It is a science that has to give a future response to those decisions adopted today; It is not a science that deals with merely clarifying the past since the adopted decisions generate their consequences in the future.